
An innovative product that helps make surfaces hygienically safe in pubs and restaurants

An innovative product that helps make surfaces hygienically safe in pubs and restaurants

Few things have been missed more in the last year than going for a drink at the local pub. However, putting measures in place so people are safe without changing too much what makes pubs great is not an easy balance. British company Veraco has developed a range of antimicrobial protective covers for touchpoints and touch-screens. The technology breaks down the biological makeup of dangerous pathogens, reducing microbial growth by up to 99.99%, as well as being effective against Human Coronavirus.

"Steve Rogan from Veraco said “Our products can provide a back-up alongside cleaning and other measures"

Sometimes, it is only when something is taken away that it becomes clear why it is so important. Pubs provide the opportunity to be around people in a unique atmosphere and at a time when loneliness and poor mental health is on the rise, they are practically essential. Hygiene around touchpoints will play a critical role where large numbers of people will be repeatedly touching the same points. It is well documented that viruses spread through droplets that land on surfaces, but so far solutions that address the actual surface have been overlooked in favour of hand sanitiser and cleaning. In between cleaning bacteria and virus droplets can build up and social distancing is often difficult in a hospitality setting. That’s what makes Veraco’s products such a potentially important tool, as they simply work on touch 24/7.

This technology is not new and has been used in critical care for some time, but now it has much broader use. The benefits of solutions like this are that they are a visible reassurance to customers that even if someone hasn’t sanitised their hands, there is still protection in place. This reassurance will be critical to getting people back into pubs, restaurants, live music and so much social activity that has been so missed by everyone.

Steve Rogan from Veraco said, “Our products can provide a back-up alongside cleaning and other measures and their visible nature can give customers and staff peace of mind that the surface they are touching is protected”

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