Unlocking customer loyalty by elevating the omnichannel experience

Regardless of the time, location, or platform that customers choose to interact with their favourite brands, customers expect a personalised and engaging experience.   And for businesses that can deliver a unified experience, meeting the heightened expectations from customers is a great opportunity to outperform rivals. In fact, 80% of customers admit that the experience a […]

How can you turn the tide on retail theft?

Shoplifting has long been an issue for our high streets. But with the number of offences reportedly doubling to 16.7 million[1] incidents a year, retailers of all sizes have come under huge pressure to step up their in-store security. At BauWatch, I’ve worked with construction firms for many years to help minimise theft on vulnerable […]

How to fall back in love with shipping allocation

Sometimes it feels as if every other week is a form of peak season for retailers. From the Christmas period and Amazon Prime Days to individual peak days such as Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day. On one hand, this is a good thing for retailers: peak season equals extra revenue. On the other hand, an […]

How to keep your customers close when budgets are tight

With an unstable economy and an increasingly competitive marketplace, customers are demanding more from businesses in store and online. In this atmosphere of increased expectations for brands and impulsive spending habits, brands are in a battle to cultivate customer loyalty and trust.  The cost of living crisis has not only made customers more fickle, but […]

It’s time to digitise finance in the retail sector – why automated AP and statement reconciliation are crucial for retailers in 2024

The current speed of digital transformation across businesses globally suggests that those organisations who are yet to make the transition risk being left behind. 2024’s annual report from Billentis predicts a significant increase in adoption of e-invoicing alone, with market value estimated currently at $8.9 billion, anticipated to soar in the next four years to […]